28 Subnet
However one IP is a network address and another is a broadcast address. As the calculation above shows there are a total of 16 IP addresses in a 28 block. Subnetting Cheat Sheet Subnet Tetris Networking Learning Visual So it has a total of 21 network bits and 8 host bits. . CIDR subnet mask conversion ip Suggest keywords. 16 total but 2 of those IPs cant be used. 36 rows A subnet is a division of an IP network internet protocol suite where an IP network is a set of communications protocols used on the Internet and other similar networks. Therefore the total number of. For Class C IP addresses the first three octets 24 bits 3 bytes represent the network ID and the last octet 8 bits 1 bytes is the host ID. IPv4 Subnet Cheatsheet CIDR Subnet Mask Total IPs Usable IPs 32 255255255255 1 1 31 255255255254 2 2 30 255255255252 4 2 29 255255255248 8. What does 29 mean after an IP address. Practicing Subnetting with